About us

The Department of Chemistry, Silpakorn University was founded in 1976. Its mission is to offer the highest quality of education to undergraduate and graduate students, conduct high quality research, and provide services to the community.

Our department offers courses in the areas of organic, inorganic, physical, analytical chemistry and biochemistry. In addition to the theoretical foundation in each area, great emphasis is placed on instrumentation training as well as the ability of students to carry out individual research projects. All students receive hands-on experience throughout the programs which equip them for their journey after graduation. Our graduates have been well-accepted in their abilities and knowledge in chemistry.

Our faculty members carry out research in many areas including natural product chemistry, syntheses of bioactive compounds, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, syntheses and development of inorganic compounds and nanoparticles for variety of application including catalysts in photocatalytic reactions and organic transformation as well as energy-related and photonic applications, development of instrumentation and techniques for analyses of specific types of compounds and pollutants. At Silpakorn University where arts have been at the heart, one of the areas of research projects towards bridging arts and science, including production of inexpensive and environmentally safe paints and dyes and conservation of art materials. The research projects are funded by university and national agencies as well as the industry. Our work has been published in internationally accepted journals as well as in the form of patents.

The department works with and provides services to both government and industrial sectors. Our goal is to enhance their level of competitiveness while considering environment, health, safety, and economy, utilizing science and technology. We also provide chemical analysis for a broad range of samples including drinking water, food, and industrial waste.